Fusion Diploma in Remedial Massage: training in 4 parts
Part One
Part One is an online Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology Course. Here you learn about the physical bodies you will be working on, how they function and what happens when things go 'wrong'. The course is delivered online but you will also receive two print text books to assist you in your studies. This part of the program is studied in your own time and at home with a final online, open book, exam. The aim of this is to give you a good understanding of the bodies that you will be working on, to understand how the human body works and how muscles work and interconnect.
The online course that we use also starts to explore how massage can assist the body when things go wrong and our role (and limitations) as massage therapists in this task.
Part Two
Part Two is a reading pack which we send you at least two weeks before the course starts. This is nothing too onerous but is designed to give you a good understanding of the background of massage, its importance in healthcare throughout history, the major massage styles and how it is used today.
Part Three
Part Three is the hands-on part of your training. This part of the Diploma is delivered over 5 days. Our Diploma course is ideal for those wanting to begin a career in the massage industry.
Day One: At the start of this intensive hands on massage training we start with some practicalities so that you know you can massage in a safe and effective way. We look at contraindications for massage, practical clinic management and catering to the individual client need. Our practical massage work is around how to make an initial client assessment when someone first attends for massage, how to warm the muscles up and fascia release work. These techniques will be demonstrated and then under the watchful eye of your teacher, you pair up with another student to practice your own skills. On day one, as with every day on the course, you will both give and receive a massage treatment.
Day Two: On day two of your massage training we will look at client record keeping and the massage environment and our practical work will focus on detailed hand massage and massage to the back of the body – upper body. Massaging the hands is a much neglected area in many massage practices yet it holds the key to releasing much upper body tension, for example if you are working on a client with tight shoulders or a sore upper back you will get much greater results by working their hands in detail and the tension will begin to melt away with this foundational work before you even work on their back in detail. This is one of the features that makes Fusion Massage stand out above many other massage styles and which will help you build your practice when you come to work in the massage industry.
Day Three: In today’s training we will discuss the healing crisis, clinic health and safety, confidentiality and the importance of breathing to help release tension held in the body. Our practical work will focus on detailed foot work, back of the body, lower body and working with the client in the side position. As with the upper body and hand work, so too the feet hold the key to releasing tension in the legs and lower back. You will learn this Fusion difference and by the end of the day will have already begun to be able to give this lower body treatment. We also look today we will explore business issues including safe working practices, safeguarding, insurance and lone working. Our practical work will be based around massaging the face, head, neck into the shoulders and sinus drainage massage. As with the hands and feet, the head can hold tension in the neck and you will learn some incredibly effective Fusion Massage techniques to release this tension and help resolve clients’ muscular tension.
Day Four: We will begin today’s massage training by discussing referrals, joint working and both the benefits and limitations of massage. Our practical work will include massage for the front of the body, particularly for the legs and shoulders. This day will bring together your learning over the previous days and you will piece together the whole massage. We will also introduce the final part of the training, the case studies and will discuss options for Continual Professional Development including our own Advanced workshop. If you are finishing at Certificate level your practical training ends here.
Day Five On these final one or two days we develop the front of the body work to introduce gentle abdominal massage, this is great for clients who might suffer from constipation and for some will also help some release built up emotional tension. You will also have the change to massage and get individual feedback from the course tutor.
During the course we also introduce the use of aromatherapy in massage and how essential oils can assist your treatments. We will focus on 10 essential oils, look at their therapeutic uses and the health and safety issues in using them safely, you then get to practice blending oils and learn how the massage can be adapted to a wider range of treatments.
Part Four is the completion of your massage training where you consolidate your learning and build your confidence by massaging friends and family as case study treatments. You are required to complete 15 hours of case studies and full guidance will be given, this won’t be anything we haven’t already been discussing at length during the practical training session. You have up to 6 months to complete the case studies after finishing the course although most people will submit them within 2-4 weeks as once these are completed you can receive your certification, get insured and start your new career!
We hope that this will be just the start of your journey and you will want to explore and understand more throughout your whole career in massage; certainly, as teachers, we are all continuously learning and will retire the day that stops!